Website Manager

Canyon Lake Hawks Youth Football & Cheerleading


2024 Board Members:
President: Bobby Flint
VP of Athletics: Javier Garcia
VP of Operations: Megan Stahla
VP of Cheer: Brittney Rothwell
Treasurer : Tanya Gutierrez
Secretary: Jacquie Gemar
Registrar: Megan Stahla
Member at Large: Lindsey Sinner
Member at Large: Open
Fundraising: Open
Sponsorship:  Chris Ashworth
IT Chair: Open
Coach Certification: Aften Garcia
Concessions: Tanya Gutierrez
Equipment: Open
Field Maintenance: Open
Safety: Aisha Jackson
Volunteer:                        Open
Athletics Commissioner   Brian Gutierrez
Cheer Commissioner       Open


• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Be the chief executive officer and shall supervise all the business and affairs of CLHYF.
• Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
• Responsibilities shall be to coordinate the activities of the Board of Directors.
• Exercise general supervision over the activities and welfare of the organization
• May sign with any Executive Board Member for anything approved by the Board of Directors.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.
• Can be placed on all bank accounts with signing privileges.
• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, shall perform the
duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the power of and be subject to all the
restrictions upon the President.
• Direct all athletic related activities associated with CLHYF.
• Provide support and direction to all members of the Athletics Committee: Certification Chair,
Equipment Manager, First Aid Supervisor, VP of Cheer and Field Maintenance Supervisor.
• Provide assistance, support and training for all Football Staffs: Flag, Freshman, Junior Varsity and
• Direct the selection process of all Football Staffs.
• Ensure that all individuals selected to serve on a Football Staff have met league certification and
training requirements.
• Ensure that all individuals selected to serve on a Football Staff follow the CLHYF code of conduct.
• Ensure that all Student Athletes and Parents exhibit the positive behavior detailed on the CLHYF
"Expectations" form.
• Direct all Football Staffs in teaching and coaching proper fundamentals.
• Act as a liaison between the Football Staff and the Board.
• Maintain a current list of Football Staff, including name, position, address, telephone number and
email address.
• Perform any duties, from time to time, that may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board
of Directors.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.
• Hold meetings with the Athletics Committee as necessary.
• Conduct all disciplinary investigations and preside over all disciplinary hearings unless the Board of
Directors finds a conflict of interest. In that case the President will preside over the disciplinary hearing
and or investigation.
• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• May sign, with any Executive Board Member for anything approved by the Board of Directors.
• Oversee fundraising efforts, registration, volunteer recruitment, concessions, uniforms, provides
support and directions to all operations committee.
• Must relay scores/results of games to HCYFL and IT Coordinator within 24 hours of game day
• Hold monthly meetings with the Operations Committee to get these things organized and done,
keeping the Board of Directors aware of meeting times/places so they may attend.
• Must present report of what was discussed at the committee meeting at the next regularly scheduled
Board Meeting.
• Perform any duties, from time to time, that may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board
of Directors.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.
• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Provide training for all Cheer Coaches.
• In charge of the selection process of all Cheer Coaches.
• Ensure that all individuals selected to serve as a Cheer Coach have met league certification and
training requirements.
• Ensure that all individuals selected to serve as a Cheer Coach follow the CLHYF Code of Conduct.
• Ensure that all Student Athletes and Parents exhibit the positive behavior detailed on the CLHYF
"Expectations" form.
• Attend Athletic Committee meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Be in attendance and record the minutes of all Board meetings.
• Forward a copy of the minutes to all Board Members. Within two weeks of meetings. Minutes to be
approved by the Board of Directors and the next regularly scheduled meeting.
• Prepare agenda for upcoming Board meeting.
• Schedule times and meeting places for all Board meetings and provide Board Members 72 hours’
notice of said meetings.
• All minutes must be made public upon request, with the exception of closed sessions.
• Maintain and update Bylaws in accordance with changes voted on by Board of Directors.
• Keep an updated copy of CLHYF and HCYFL Bylaws and minutes available at all Board meetings.
• Maintain a current Board membership list.
• Perform any duties, from time to time, that may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board
of Directors.
• May serve in either the Operations or Athletic Committee, as they feel would be most effective.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.

• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Provide financial advice and guidance to the Board of Directors and to CLHYF as a whole.
• Receive and disburse any and all funds. Monies received must be deposited into the league’s bank
account within 48hrs of receipt. Monies from any fundraising event must be counted by 2 people with at
least 1 of those persons being an executive board member.
• Deposit all funds in the name of CLHYF in such banks or other depositories selected by the Board of
• May sign, with any Executive Board Member for anything approved by the Board of Directors.
• Manage all tax filings.
• Maintain and preserve any and all vouchers and all books of accounts, which shall be open to
inspection by the Board of Directors.
• Prepare and deliver financial reports monthly or as required by the President.
• Any disbursement, outside of budget, shall require the approval of a majority (quorum) of executive
board members.
• Perform any duties, from time to time, that may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board
of Directors.
• May serve in either the Operations or Athletic Committee, as they feel would be most effective.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Coordinate all registration activities, including registration events and marketing of CLHYF.
• Manage the database of players, including applications and all required paperwork.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Manage scholastics information for CLHYF. Keep up with scholastics program sponsored by HCYFL and
disburse that information.
• Monitor and manage the CLHYF Scholastics program and materials for disbursement.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Perform any duties, from time to time, that may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board
of Directors.
• May serve in either the Operations or Athletic Committee, as they feel would be most effective.
• At all times, represent CLHYF and the Board in a positive manner and at CLHYF related events, be
accessible to parents/coaches.
• Two members will be put in these positions. One should be a veteran football board member and the
other should be held by an incoming, new board member.
• Ensure that all individuals selected to serve on a Football Staff follow the CLHYF Code of Conduct.
• Ensure that all Student Athletes and Parents exhibit the positive behavior detailed on the CLHYF
“Expectations” form.
• Attend Athletic Committee Meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• Ensure that all coaches are certified through program required by HCYFL and not allowed to be on the
field until the process has been completed.
• Keep the VP of Athletics informed on the certification process.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Direct all activities associated with selecting, ordering, distributing, and maintaining equipment for
football. Responsible for fitting/sizing players for uniforms, pads, and helmets in conjunction with
• Work with Treasurer, keep within budget and keep accurate account of monies spent with board
• Ensure there is a consistent inventory process implemented and maintained.
• Attend Athletic Committee meetings and all regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Direct all activities associated with Safety/ First Aid training and certification.
• Ensure all Head Coaches and Cheer Coaches have been properly trained and certified in First Aid and
CPR (American Heart Association Certification).
• Schedule, coordinate, and lead all required training sessions.
• Ensure all CLHYF practices and games have trained, and certified individuals present.
• Attend Athletic Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• Ensure all teams are provided with a stocked first aid kit at beginning of season.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Direct all activities associated with field maintenance.
• Schedule, coordinate, and lead all field maintenance projects - new improvements and regular
maintenance (mowing, weeding, top dressing, seeding, fertilizing, etc.).
• Work with Treasurer and keep within budget and keep accurate account of monies spent for supplies
and projects.
• Attend Athletic Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Develop the annual Events Calendar to be voted on by the Board at the February meeting.
• Coordinate and monitor fundraising/concession efforts for CLHYF.
• Responsible for merchandise.
• Coordinate and plan fundraising events sponsored by, or participated in, by CLHYF.
• Attend all Operations Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Coordinate and monitor fundraising/concession efforts for CLHYF.
• Responsible for merchandise.
• Recruit and solicit individual and corporate sponsorships for CLHYF.
• Attend all Operations Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Handle concession stands for the games and whenever needed (i.e. fundraisers, etc.).
• Coordinate volunteers to fill shifts with assistance from team moms from each team.
• Work with Volunteer Coordinator to ensure facilities are clean and stocked before all events.
• Handle food purchases, menus and pricing with approval from VP Operations.
• Monitor cash register and generate concession stand reports.
• Deposits to be made in specific manner and time. Monies must be counted by at least 2 board
members, one being executive, and then placed in a secure lockbox for treasurer’s availability at the
conclusion of each event.
• Attend all Operations Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.
• Build the character of all CLHYF participants through a positive athletic experience.
• Run background checks for CLHYF volunteers.
• Coordinate Team Moms, lead any necessary training, and disburse new information to them
throughout the season.
• Recruit, solicit, and assign volunteers to assist in all CLHYF activities and events.
• Work with the Board to develop a list of volunteers needed for any CLHYF activities and events.
• Team Moms will work with Head Coaches to assemble the team notebooks.
• Attend all Operations Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.

• Manage and maintain league’s website, social media accounts, field Wi-Fi connection, and technical
equipment of league.
• Attend all Operations Committee meetings and regularly scheduled board meetings.
• At all times, represent CLHYF in a positive manner.